About The Trucking's Frontline Heroes Project Transport Topics has been the leading news and information outlet of trucking for over 85 years and seeks to recognize those who have been integral to the industry and the nation. The Transport Topics Trucking's Frontline Heroes Award is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to honor those who brought their communities together and committed acts of great selflessness in moments of great need. Awardees are humanitarians and innovators. They come from all parts of the industry - from the executive ranks to the drivers on the road. Every year, when new crises emerge, we see industry professionals find themselves at the heart of a problem and work to deliver a solution. This annual award series represents the gratitude of an entire industry for an individual who sacrificed and who triumphed. contact us 2020 Trucking's Frontline Heroes At a time when the nation relied on the freight transportation industry more than ever, we saw innumerable individuals step up to shoulder the burden and keep the nation moving forward. Transport Topics honored a select number of heroes in the Trucking's Frontline Heroes commemorative publication for their tremendous efforts amidst an unprecedented pandemic. The work of this project inspired the Trucking's Frontline Heroes Award. At ATA's 2020 Management Conference & Exhibition on Oct. 27, three of Transport Topics' Trucking's Frontline Heroes were honored as 2020 COVID Heroes for their courage and selflessness in helping their communities manage the frightening early days of the COVID-19 pandemic’s spread. They braved unknown conditions to deliver necessities, they found ways to help others protect themselves, and they organized efforts to ensure no one went without. 2021 Trucking's Frontline Heroes When storms raged, heroes volunteered to deliver necessities to those affected as soon as they could and as many times as they could. Even when disaster struck close to home, they spent their time and money coordinating the delivery of donated goods to provide relief to their community. It just takes one person to step forward and blaze a path for others to follow. The second annual Trucking's Frontline Hero award was presented during 2021 MC&E to celebrate the humanitarian work of two remarkable industry professionals. We shared stories of sacrifice and triumph, to allow their work to bring change to serve as inspiration for us all. The award ceremony was held on Tuesday, October 26 in the MCE Exhibit Hall, Main Stage. The ceremony consisted of a video detailing the stories of our heroes and prepared remarks from Transport Topics Publisher, Sue Hensley. 2022 Trucking's Frontline Heroes The war in Ukraine continues to amount incalculable casualties and reconstruction costs. In hopes of bringing relief to the people living in the country, fighting on the frontlines or trying to escape the violence, a number of heroes stepped up to coordinate live-saving donations of food, water, and medical assistance. By committing aid to organizations based in the country, relief can be brought to those in need regardless of from where it starts. All it takes is a hero to recognize that they have the power to encourage action. Organizing starts from home. While some heroes set there sights abroad, others served more locally. When severe flooding hit West Virginia, the losses were tremendous and much work needed to be done to recover and rebuild. Heroes rose up to organize state-wide relief efforts by coordinating a partnership between a state association and a national trucking company with deep ties to the state. By marrying skills and connections born out of the course of one's career with a deep care for family near and far, new Trucking's Frontline Heroes were made. 2023 Trucking's Frontline Heroes Every year we find heroes in the headlines. From catastrophic flooding to severe storms to unstoppable fires, natural disasters have greatly impacted communities across the country this year. With aid and relief seeming so far out of reach, a few remarkable individuals found the strength to reach out and support their neighbors near and far. In 2023, Transport Topics honored trucking professionals who brought relief to their community when it was needed most.